Fighting Chance for Billy

Billy was a Miami street cat who was spotted passed out near a sidewalk by a good Samaritan who contacted EcoLeo Animal Rescue. Billy was emaciated, lethargic and going in and out of consciousness and was rushed to the vet. Billy was skin and bones (we thought he was a kitten at first!), had a severe mouth infection and ulcers, covered in large fleas, and emaciated. However, Billy was a fighter, and although he was unconscious most of the time, he woke up every now and then to chat with us. We saw gratitude in his eyes.

With a dangerously low body temperature and diluted blood, we could not get any readings or bloodwork done at first but after 6hrs of IV and supportive care, enough blood volume was obtained and it was determined that Billy was in chronic failure and anemic for a long time and his chance of surviving off of IV was very slim. We made the difficult decision to humanely euthanize Billy and he crossed the rainbow bridge on March 29, 2023.  The total vet bill to save Billy was $1357 and we are thankful to our donors for allowing us to give Billy a fighting chance.